Friday, June 10, 2016



The only thing standing between you-as-amateur and you-as-expert is dedication. 

Seriously. How many people think they've missed their opportunity.....because they didn't start when they were young? Or in education time. God gifted to every human being for concentration, dedication, and a simple desire to keep getting better, anyone willing to do what's required to keep getting better WILL get better.

Maybe the one who practiced a hell of a lot more. Or rather, a hell of a lot more deliberately. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Missile man of INDIA. He has common man when he born, after dedication and desire for the future hope, he has president of INDIA. Similarly we have en number of examples. 

"For the superior performer the goal isn't just repeating the same thing again and again but achieving higher levels of control over every aspect of their performance. That's why they don't find practice boring. Each practice session they are working on doing something better than they did the last time."

So it's not just how long they practice, it's how they practice.


  1. Yes we want to listen about your experience..........go ahead and tell us about your every second in your life.

  2. Thank you for your support Niladri!!!!!!!!!!
